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#WeddingWednesday: Lawn Games

#WeddingWednesday: Lawn Games

Even though it clearly does not feel like summer, many brides are in the midst of planning their Summer 2017 nuptials.  Are you a summer 2017 bride who is looking for a more casual vibe?  Lawn games are the way to go!  They provide a source of entertainment for your guests throughout the night, allowing them to enjoy cocktail hour and take a break from the party if they need to.  Here are some lawn games your guests would love at your wedding!

One great lawn game is Tic Tac Toe.  It provides a 3-dimensional twist to the pencil and paper game.  Plus, most people know exactly how to play so rules need not be provided.

Lawn Games
Retrieved from Pinterest

Ladderball is a common lawn game at weddings.  Paint the bars on the ladder and the balls in your wedding colors and the game will be the perfect fit for your reception.

Lawn Games
Retrieved from Pinterest

Life size Jenga is an ever popular game.  The suspense that comes with the game is palpable and your guests will be rushing straight to the game to play.

Lawn Games
Retrieved from Pinterest

If you love chess then why not have a life size chess set at your wedding?  Not only is it a fun game that all of your guests will enjoy but it also provides some beautiful picture opportunities as seen below.

Lawn Games
Retrieved from Pinterest

Connect four is a game that everyone loves, knows and is competitive at. It is the perfect addition to cocktail hour and the wedding reception as a whole.

Lawn Games
Retrieved from Pinterest

Add a carnival feel to your wedding by including Ring Toss as one of your lawn games.  It will get even more enjoyable throughout the day as people try to get the rings on the bottles.

Lawn Games
Retrieved from Pinterest

A very popular lawn game is cornhole.  Just purchase two cornhole boards and some bean bags and you have a game!  If you have some extra money in your budget you could even personalize the board with your initials as seen below.


Lawn Games
Retrieved from Pinterest 

Do you have any lawn games that you enjoy? Let us know in the comments!

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