#WeddingWednesday: Announcing Your Engagement
Just got engaged over the holiday weekend? Congratulations! Now you will want to announce your engagement in an appropriate yet creative way. Before announcing your engagement publicly you should let everyone close to you know about your engagement first. This includes immediate family and any friends who would be upset if they did not hear it from you in person. After you have let them all know you can post about your engagement on social media. Typically this is done with a creative photo. Here are some great ideas to announce your engagement to the world.
If you and your partner love coffee, tea or hot chocolate head to Starbucks to create your engagement announcement. When ordering your favorite beverage ask them to write “Mr.” on one cup and “Future Mrs.” on the other. You could also use “groom to be” and “bride to be” if you would prefer. Hold your cups side by side with your ring visible.

This engagement announcement is also for coffee, tea and hot chocolate lovers. Purchase a coffee mug from Amazon or Etsy. Hold it up as if you were going to take a sip. Ensure that you are holding the mug with the hand that has your ring on it to show off your new accessory!

If you would prefer your new fiance to be front and center with the ring he got especially for you, this engagement announcement is the perfect choice. Just get a close-up shot of your fiance kissing the hand with your new ring on it. It will be a beautiful, romantic photo that you will cherish forever.

Another way to announce your engagement is to get two different pieces and write “He asked” on one and “She said ‘it’s about damn time'” on the other. The bride to be will hold the “He asked” piece and the groom to be will hold the other. This is a cute engagement especially if the bride to be had been waiting a long time for the ring.

If you and your spouse have a dog take a picture of him/her with a sign that says “Daddy asked and mommy said yes.” This will be the perfect photo to show your love and connection.

This method of announcing your engagement plays on the saying “tying the knot.” No words are needed for this announcement as it speaks for itself.

Celebrate your holiday engagement by placing your ring on your favorite ornament and taking a photo. It is the perfect way to announce your engagement without specifically mentioning anything about it.

For more tips and wedding fun, make sure to check back every Wednesday at www.bctent.com/blog. Subscribe on the right to have our blog articles come straight to your inbox!
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