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#MenuMonday: Rainbow Sangria

#MenuMonday- Rainbow Sangria

This #MenuMonday we are bringing you a great looking and refreshing beverage!  The rainbow sangria recipe from is pretty and perfect for impressing your guests at your next event.  This drink has a wide variety of uses as it can be used as a special cocktail at your wedding, as a way to show off to all of your friends, etc.  This drink is for those who are 21+ only.  Look at the rainbow that the ingredients in this drink create:

Rainbow Sangria


  • 1 cup white wine
  • 2-3 Tbsp fresh orange juice
  • 2 Tbsp apple juice or another sweet juice (pear works nicely)
  • 1-2 Tbsp ginger ale (or other fizzy soda – apple or orange soda works well too)
  • rainbow colored fruits (*see examples below*)
  • optional: 1 Tbsp brandy


  1. Add the fruit in rainbow order to a tall glass.
  2. Pour in the wine and fruit juice.
  3. Top it off with the ginger ale.
  4. Add the brandy over top if using.

Yield: 1 Tall Glass

Fruits that can be used to make the beverage:

  • Red: strawberries, raspberries, pomegranates
  • Orange: mandarin oranges, any other kind of orange/clementine wedge, cantaloupe
  • Yellow: fresh (not canned) pineapple
  • Green: kiwi, honeydew, green grapes
  • Blue: blueberries
  • Purple: red grapes, blackberries, dragon fruit

Want to make the virgin version of this recipe?  Add lemonade, iced tea,  fruit spritzers or even fizzy spa water instead of wine and bourbon.

Original Recipe:

We cannot wait to try this drink! Make sure to let us know if you enjoyed this refreshing rainbow sangria!

Check back on every Monday for a #MenuMonday party food or beverage recipe! You can also subscribe to the right to have our blog articles delivered straight to your inbox!

Feel free to submit your own recipes for us to share if you have a great recipe in mind for an event! We will share appetizers, meal options, desserts, and of course refreshing beverages.