B.C. Tent is very excited to be a part of a huge celebration happening this weekend. Congratulations to the Town of Milton, MA for turning 350 years old!! This is going to be a giant event lasting all weekend long with events for all ages! So load up the entire family and head on over to Milton for the festivities. The celebration will kick off with fireworks on Friday night June 8th. It will continue Saturday with a Parade, Family Fun Day, and Concerts. Sunday will wrap up the weekend with a town-wide picnic and community concert under a B.C. Tent! There are so many more events going on. Scroll down for a complete schedule of events! Visit http://milton350th.com/ for more information.
Friday June 8th
Location: Lower Fields, Milton High School
Time: 6:30-8:30 PM – MHS Concert and Jazz Band performances; food for sale
9:15 Fireworks synchronized to music begin
Sponsored by: The Copeland Family Foundation
Join us for a spectacular display of lights synchronized to music! The fireworks kick-off the 350th Celebration weekend. The evening begins at 6:30 PM with food for sale and MHS Concert and Jazz Bands playing before the show. Fireworks start at 9:15 PM.
Please note: Gile Rd. will be closed once MHS parking lots are filled. Shuttles will be available beginning at 5:30 PM from Ulin Rink, Town Hall and Pierce MS. Rain dates are June 9 or June 16. A variety of foods will be available to purchase beginning at 6:30 PM. All proceeds will benefit the PTO’s in town, FAME and Boosters.
Saturday June 9th
MHS All Years Alumni Homecoming
Time: 8:30-11:00 AM
Location: MHS Copeland Field House
Join your fellow classmates to reminisce!
Memories, program, music, coffee, refreshments!
Parade – the Biggest Parade in Milton’s History!
Time: 1:45 PM – Opening Ceremony festivities begin with the raising of a giant American flag near the Gazebo
2:00 PM – Parade begins at MHS
Route: Start at Milton High School, Finish at Cunningham Park
Giant 2 hour parade with bands from all over New England and some local favorites. Please join us along the parade route where you will see 25+ marching bands from all over New England, color guard, Shriners, Boston Police Gaelic Column, the Philadelphia Mummers, floats, Monster Trucks, horses, clowns, and so much more! You don’t want to miss this one! Bring your beach chair!
Please note: Detours and closures will be in effect near the parade route beginning at 1:00 PM. No parking along parade route beginning at noon. Public parking will be available at Ulin Rink, Town Hall, Council on Aging, Milton Academy (near Gunhill Rd.), St. Elizabeth’s, Milton DPW Yard, Cunningham/Collicot Schools and Cunningham Park. Rain date June 16
Family Fun Afternoon
Family Activities: Food & Fun
Time: 3:30-6:00 PM
Location: Milton High School Fields
After the Parade, the campus of the high school will be set up with a stage, family game activities, food for sale, face painting and hospitality tents. Big Joe the
Storyteller & singer Susan Reed will entertain the kids. Exhibits and activities will be for adults and children alike.
The campus of the high school will be set up with a stage, family game activities, food for sale, face painting and hospitality tents. Featuring:
• Big Joe the Storyteller
• Singer Susan Reed
• Family games run by Fitness Unlimited
• Blue Hills Bank Ms. Money & the Coins live activity for kids
Band and Drum Corps Concert
Time: 6:00-7:30 PM
Location: MHS Brooks Field
Sponsored by: Blue Hills Bank
– The Boston
Crusaders Senior Drum and Bugle Corps
– The Spartans Drum and Bugle Corps
– The Regiment Drum and Bugle Corps
– The Bazooka Blanks Drum Group
with Special Guests:
– The Stuart Highlanders Pipes and Drums
Sunday June 10th
Union Service, First Parish Church & First Congregational Church
Time: 10:30-11:30 AM
Location: First Parish Church, 535 Canton Ave.
Town-Wide Picnic
Time: 12:00 Noon-4:00 PM
Location: the Gazebo, Town Green on Town Hall Lawn
Lunch items will be for sale, provided by Friends and Advocates of Music Education (FAME) and Milton Boosters. Free 350th Cake will be served; provided by Blue Hills Regional Vocational Technical School.
Noon – 1:00 PM Bay State Stompers; Dixieland Band, Gazebo
12:15 – 12:45 PM Jedlie Walk-Around with balloon animals
1:00 – 1:30 PM Jedlie’s Totally Interactive Magic Circus, Show #1 

1:30 – 2:30 PM The Bay State Stompers Dixieland Band
1:45 – 2:15 PM Jedlie Walk-Around
2:30 – 3:00 PM Jedlie’s Totally Interactive Magic Circus, Show #2
Community Choir Concert
Time: 3:00-4:00 PM
Location: First Parish sanctuary, 535 Canton Ave.
Featuring choirs from Milton churches and directed by Milton Music Directors. A program of patriotic and inter-faith music led by George Ashur, Kevin Drake, Dr. Matthew Larson, Emma Jean Moulton, Joyce Painter Rice, Brother Dennis Slaughter, and Peter Watchorn. For further information, contact Emma Jean Moulton at 617-698-3200, or email her here .
Rehearsals: June 3, 6:30-8:30 PM; June 9, 9-11 AM; June 10, 2-2:45 PM
Monday, June 11th
Incorporation Anniversary
Milton History Bowl
Time: 6:30-8:30 PM
Location: Winchester Auditorium, Milton High School
Eight teams of local experts will battle for the 350th trophy in the Milton High School auditorium. Student contests first, based on the 5th grade curriculum, followed by adult teams of 3-5 people at 7:00 PM ($25 registration fee for adults). John and Maritta Cronin, assisted by the Milton Historical Society, will create and judge the questions based on Milton history. Interested Teams should sign-up via email milton350@gmail.com.